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Darksiders II

Monday, November 14, 2011


I have the hots for this game. Good lord where did the last three days go...Skyrim is possibly the most immersive game I have ever played. Bethesda did a fantastic job with this game no question about it. Just the way they shaped their world is phenomenal, the story is left up to the player, each playstyle has the ability to function well and the dungeons are d0-able with any kind of weapon setup. There is very little to complain about when you are given such a massive world, hundreds of quests and dungeons, and multiple complex campaigns to experience.

One thing I really loved was the new class design. They let us have even more freedom with this than even Oblivion allowed. In Oblivion you were allowed to create a custom class with 7 things you felt were important, this was nice and all but it was hard to be effective in something that wasn't in your top 7. Skyrim lets you do whatever the hell you want. I love that. My current character is a Khajit with mostly thief-class skills. I love the thief playstyle but I also like to add my own twist to things, so I also decided to work on enchanting and conjuration a bit. The purpose of adding that to my thief character was to enhance my overall effectiveness, I didn't feel alchemy would help me a lot so instead, I delved into sort of a 50/50 enchanting and conjuration setup. With conjuration I focused specifically on getting the bound bow spell which eliminates my need for arrows and frees up space that would otherwise be taken up by a bow. Atronarchs also make fantastic distractions when things get messy.

This is an incredibly brief take on the game and there is just so much more to write. But I'll save that until after I "complete" the game. If anyone is reading this, be sure to comment with your character choices/preferences!


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