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There be pictures here!
Darksiders II

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Guild Wars 2 D/D Elementalist!

Woohoo first post in a few weeks! I've been kinda busy writing parts of a book and playing gratuitous amounts of video games and haven't really had much to write about on here but fear not, the days of my ramblings are going to increase drastically in the days to come. On the 10th of August I'll be picking up The Last Story, for the Wii which should provide me with some new guides to write and a good old fashioned review to work on. At the end of the month is when the real fun begins, Guild Wars 2 launches.

I've been a part of all three beta weekend events and they were all fantastically entertaining for me and my friends as we played around with the various classes and PvP'd our asses off. During the last day of the final beta weekend I decided I wanted to record some of my structured PvP matches and make a montage with Vegas, a piece of pricey software that has been collecting dust  for some time now.

My editing skills are severely lacking but it was an incredibly fun, rewarding experience that ate up several days as I tinkered around with the more rudimentary aspects of Vegas and got used to the software. The final product was by no means a masterpiece or even that great but it showcased one of my defensive Elementalist builds that still managed to pack a punch through the use of burns and some mild skill burst.

I'll be experimenting more as the final build of the game is released at the end of August to determine if I'll choose to use a D/D Elementalist as my main character or not, I don't want to decide until we're through all the pre-release nerf bats. I plan on taking part in competitive sPvP frequently once the game is live and there will be tons more videos to come once I obtain a full understanding of Elementalists and whatnot. But until then, you have my current video!

Give the like button a press if you enjoyed the video, subscribe if you'd like to see more! Also feel free to leave any constructive criticism you may have for me with either my playstyle or editing, I'm very eager to learn more about both! Do keep in mind that, as I mentioned before, this was my first crack at both Elementalist and Sony Vegas so be gentle!
