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Darksiders II

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Near Future

Wow, things have been incredibly busy for me lately and I haven't had time to blog or write much at all outside of random bursts of inspiration that led to short story ideas and whatnot. Anyway, I'm happy to say that my last Mid-Term exam is in a few moments and I will bomb it spectacularly and divert my academic frustration and turn it into fuel for writing stuff. So...yay?

In all seriousness I'll be posting a potentially monstrous amount of information on Mass Effect 3 which I pounded, shot, and biotic-ed my way through in about two days flat with a total completion time of 21 hours. Is that too much gaming? My eye is twitching. I just took a nap and looked disturbingly similar to a hobo due to the location of said nap. I slept in the middle of a crowded lounge of people on a couch where I probably snored, talked nonsense, and almost fell on my face. I got to do a cautious survey of the people around me to see if any noticed me trying to prevent a harsh meeting with the floor by flailing my arms a little like an idiot.

Anyway that's over and I'm moving on with my life. My current video game projects are...nothing really. I'm playing Minecraft and building a floating sky castle over the town of people I spent hours searching for. The castle is supposed to be ominous and foreboding as I watch over and/or torment the locals. I destroyed their crops, flooded their city and trapped many of them in a moat where zombies fall on them at night. Dastardly. I wouldn't be surprised if some hero comes along and sieges my castle. More on that later.

I have to go to class now.




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