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There be pictures here!
Darksiders II

Monday, June 7, 2010

Looking Forward: Brink

So many games to look forward to oh what will I pick…ah I’ve got it! Brink. Brink is a game I first heard of while applying to win a 500 dollar gift card to Gamestop and a TV or something and Brink was also included in this bundle. Now my mind at the time was telling me things like “Screw the game I want that big TV” so I ignored Brink until I had it shoved into my face by my roommate some time later. Now, Brink is probably the main source of my excitement for the fall since I am a multiplayer junkie when it comes to violent games, and this is a violent game with plenty of different ways for you to go about being violent. Looking at the cinematic trailer for the game (which is posted up on the main website) the game seems to revolve around various multiplayer modes so you can probably count on this being the main selling point of the game and oh boy do they sell it. The trailer is everything it needs to be, it features the different classes you can play as along with the heavy emphasis on what they call the “S.M.A.R.T.” system. What is the SMART system you may ask? Well it stands for Smooth Movement Across Random Terrain. What does that entail? Well basically it does exactly what it says it does but the best part is that it is actually a very smart system (oho first bad pun) that responds to what the game thinks you want to do. An example used in the video detailing the uses of this system is if you are running toward a gateway that has laser sensors across it and you are looking down slightly the game will interpret this as you want to slide under the lasers instead of running into them with your face as we all have done in the past. The same principal applies to all situations involving the terrain, if you run into a wall with something that you can grab onto and you look up the game will toss you up to said grab able object instead of ramming your head into a wall, even if that was your original strategy. Customization is also a big part of Brink that sets it apart from other similar games like Team Fortress 2. There is a seemingly wide variety of weapons and armor as well as general appearance altering things that you either start with or unlock by doing various things in multiplayer. This gives you the ability to personalize your little fighter and that is always a nice addition to any multiplayer game. Brink is looking quite promising to me and is keeping things familiar from what I can tell about the controls and also making itself stand out with this S.M.A.R.T. system and intricate level designs. Definitely a game you want to keep your eyes on and definitely pick up if you are interested in what they are already showing because I’m sure there is much more on the way. The official site for Brink is be sure to check it out!


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