There be pictures here!

There be pictures here!
Darksiders II

Monday, June 7, 2010


Welcome one and all, Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Gamers and Nerds, and everyone in between: We are Team Infestation (and the crowd goes wild AHHHHHHHHHH). Hello everyone this is Stack and I'm here to tell all of you a little bit of what we are here to do. This team is made up of a group of friends who, for lack of a better word, LOVE games. Whether it is on the computer, a video game system, a children's card game, a cell phone, or a dice game in the alley, I guarantee we have something to blog about for you all to enjoy. We focus on bringing outlooks, opinions, mods, tips, artwork, all on life, games and anything else we feel relevant (but honestly who needs a life when you have games pffft). Let me introduce the team and their area of expertise: First we have Zack Bell, this young man has the biggest and loudest headphones this side of the Mississippi and a computer face for all of your moods, but that is beside the point, he is a true gamer. He will be blogging to you about games new and old, and he will be the main worker on mods for the team. Next we have Benji, no not the dog, but still a loyal friend with a bone. This young man reviews games and movies. He will be as harsh he feels in whichever fashion he believes will satisfy his urge to absolutely tear apart or completely praise certain aspects of all our favorites. Now myself (Stack for all those who forgot or blatantly want someone to blame for a general problem) I will be blogging on anything and everything I can to catch anybodies interest because honestly I strive for attention or I die... or not. I will be helping the team by keeping you all up to date with my weekly updates on what the team has in store for you over the course of the week. Darnell is our next team member who will be writing articles on retro games that have modern titles as well. We also have a newer addition to the team and his name is Michael Duque, he is our resident anime freak and will be giving you the lowdown on all the anime you could possibly want. Last and certainly not least we have April who will be doing the artwork for the team. She will be our artist extraordinaire along with helping out with the mods and anything she feels like. Thank you one and all and once again Team Infestation welcomes you and hopes we can bring a little sunshine into your miserable lives.


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